Trends, AI, insights & current developments from the marketing and advertising industry.
Brand development means letting go
Anna Benda
Brand (new) trends: 9 insights that will influence marketing in 2025
Mike Gattereder
Social search: How Instagram, TikTok & Co. are changing our search behaviour
Tanja Keglić
If you save on brand strategy, you end up paying for it
Paula Perle
AI in the creative industry: How we use ChatGPT and other tools
Anna Benda
Raphael Berthold
We constantly ask questions – even of ourselves. We do this to burst bubbles and find new perspectives to overcome old ways of thinking. Because we believe truths are often hidden, we keep our eyes wide open as we move through the world. Then we write about it here.
Brand (new) trends: 9 insights that will influence marketing in 2025
The old formulas for success no longer work. Performance strategies are reaching their limits and the usual KPIs are fading. 2025 will be the year in which we have to gather the courage to reinvent our brands and take paths that are inconvenient. What if the path to success does not lie in infinite amounts of data, but in the creative power that moves people?
Social search: How Instagram, TikTok & Co. are changing our search behaviour
How is the rise of social search affecting our search behaviour and how can companies increase their presence on Instagram and TikTok through targeted social SEO?
AI in the creative industry: How we use ChatGPT and other tools
Hyped here, feared there: Image and text AI models like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Neuroflash. Our intensive involvement with the tools shows quite clearly: AI does not work against you, but for you.
Revolution by No-Code: The future of web development with Webflow
Originally ridiculed as a toy for designers, Webflow has developed into a powerful tool and is now revolutionizing the digital cosmos.
The use of AI in agencies: Navigating through opportunities and boundaries.
AI is not just a buzzword, but a new reality that is changing our world. How can we as an agency benefit from this and offer our clients extra value?
The top 10 digital trends 2024
One trend is certain: After 2023, AI will change every area of the digital universe for good.
New digital standards with Webflow
We have been closely involved with Webflow for quite some time now. Here we can share with you our findings, advantages and disadvantages, as well as an assessment of further developments on the market.
Targeting Gen Z: How brands should use new Social Media platforms
Snapchat, TikTok and Co. - a distraction offering no added value? What's really hidden behind the platforms and how to use them as a marketing tool?
The top 10 digital trends 2023
Once again, we took a close look at ten developments and digital trends across the fields of new work, digital marketing, artificial intelligence and technologies in agencies.
New Perspective
Brand development means letting go
Brand consistency is no longer king - or at least no longer the sole ruler. Consistency alone overlooks the fact that brands are not in control of their meaning.
If you save on brand strategy, you end up paying for it
We know: Without a clear brand strategy, resources are wasted and messages become blurred - a well thought-out strategy saves money in the long term and ensures the company's success.
What happens when your employer trusts you from day 1
Advertising without trust is like an engine without oil - it simply doesn't work. But what about trust within agencies? And what impact does this trust have on day-to-day work?